
Monday, May 13, 2019

转:论文写作利器 LaTex 系列之推荐套装




TeX Live(必装)

TeX Live 是由国际 TeX 用户组织 TUG 开发的 TeX 系统,支持不同的操作系统平台。这也是本方案的核心,配置所有的编译环境和各种宏包,还附带了一个编辑器(不是很好用)。


由于 TeX Live 2019 常规安装需要一边下载一边安装,速度较慢,所以博主推荐直接下载 ISO 文件,可一次性获取完整的安装文件,可以使安装过程更为顺畅。放上清华大学的镜像,点击链接下载。


  1. 下载的文件是 ISO 光盘镜像文件,用虚拟光驱挂载或者直接用解压工具打开即可。
  2. 在解压出来的主目录中找到 install-tl-advanced.bat 文件,右击并以管理员身份运行注意:文件夹路径里面不能有中文,不然打不开。

  1. 选择安装目录。注意:安装后将会占用5G左右的磁盘空间,建议将安装目录切换到D盘或者其他空间较大的盘中。
  2. 其他默认即可。


VSCode 全称 Visual Studio Code,是微软出的一款轻量级代码编辑器,免费、开源而且功能强大。它支持几乎所有主流的程序语言的语法高亮、智能代码补全、自定义热键、括号匹配、代码片段、代码对比 Diff、GIT 等特性,支持插件扩展,并针对网页开发和云端应用开发做了优化。软件跨平台支持 Win、Mac 以及 Linux。 更多关于 VSCode 的介绍,请点击链接查看本站文章。





LaTex Workshop(必装)

LaTex Workshop 是 VSCode 的插件,这个插件为 VS Code 提供了 LaTeX 语言支持。


在 VSCode 的扩展管理中,搜索 latex,第一个结果就是我们要安装的插件。


在 VSCode 里面按住快捷键,CTRL+SHIFT+P,然后输入 set,用 ENTER 选择第一个。

然后将下面的代码复制粘贴到你的 setting.json 文件最外面移对花括号里。
"": [{
        "name": "xelatex",
        "tools": [
        "name": "xelatex ->bibtex -> xelatex*2",
        "tools": [
        "name": "pdflatex",
        "tools": [
"": [{
        "name": "xelatex",
        "command": "xelatex",
        "args": [
        "name": "pdflatex",
        "command": "pdflatex",
        "args": [
        "name": "bibtex",
        "command": "bibtex",
        "args": [
现在就可以用 VSCode 编辑 LaTex 文档并编译出 PDF 文件了,按 CTRL+ALT+B 编译,然后按 CTRL+ALT+V 打开 PDF 文件。


"": "onBuilt",
"": "never",
由于 LaTex 编译过程会产生一些辅助文件,放在那没什么用,看着也糟心,所以第一个参数是指定在PDF文件生成后自动清除辅助文件。第二个参数是指保存是否自动编译 LaTex 文件,因为 VSCode 有自动保存功能,所以每次自动保存都会编译 LaTex 文件,这样就会导致电脑每隔一段时间就会自动编译文档,没有必要。

Sumatra PDF(推荐)

Sumatra Pdf 是一款轻量级的 PDF 阅读器,类型为开放软件,并且有安装版和便携版两个版本。 VSCode 内置的 PDF 查看器功能比较简单,而且不太方便,而 Adobe Reader 则相对体积大,打开速度慢。Sumatra PDF 小巧强大,启动速度快,作为本方案的 PDF 阅读器最合适不过,而且还可以和源码之间实现定位跳转,弥补 LaTex “所见非所得”的劣势。



要使用 Sumatra PDF 预览编译好的PDF文件,将下列代码复制粘贴至 setting.json 配置文件内。
"latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "external",
"latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.command": {
    "command": "C:/Programs/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe",  //SumatraPDF.exe的实际路径
    "args": [


"latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.synctex": {
    "command": "C:/Programs/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe",  //SumatraPDF.exe的实际路径
    "args": [
右键文件空白处,单击 SyncTeX from cursor 或者 CTRl+-> 即可正向搜索。


打开 Sumatra PDF,进入设置->选项对话框,在“设置反向搜索命令行”处填入如下内容:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"  -g "%f:%l" %Code.exe的实际路径%
双击 PDF 中的任意一处即可跳转到 VSCode 中所对应的内容的源代码处。注意:由于从 VSCode 调用 Sumatra PDF 时是作为子进程的,为避免反向搜索失败,最好是先独立的运行SumatraPDF.exe后再进行正反向搜索。


Git 是用于 Linux 内核开发的版本控制工具。经常写论文的人都知道,一篇论文需要修改很多遍才能满意,这个过程中就有许多论文版本,比如初稿,终稿,最终版,打死也不改最终版等等版本,版本一多,就需要管理了,不然太乱了。有的时候可能觉得最终版就是最后要交的版本了,可老师突然说上一个版本更好一点,可上一个版本你都删了,或者你也不知道上一个版本是哪一个了,这就很尴尬了。所以写论文时,一个好的版本控制工具就尤为重要了。




博主准备后面再写一篇关于 Git 的文章,先放上我的入门教程,廖雪峰老师的文章,点击查看

VSCode 插件

VSCode 自带了终端,所以可以直接在终端里用命令进行 Git 操作。不过刚开始可能不习惯,需要一些图形按钮进行辅助,而且这些插件还加强了 Git 的操作,还是很有必要安装的。
  • GitLens
  • Git History



这是一款 VSCode 的 LaTex 代码格式化插件,虽然 LaTex 最终显示效果和源码的排版没关系,但排版美观的 LaTex 源码可以让人更加沉浸在写作中,并且清晰的排版可以让初学者更容易找到源码中的错误。它的效果如下:
            \par balabalabala
            \par balabalabala
            \par balabalabala

LaTex 辅助软件



新建一个文件夹(文件夹名字和文件夹的路径里面不能有中文),在文件夹里面新建一个 test.tex 文件。依次,文件夹上右键 -> open with Code,将下列代码复制粘贴进 test.tex 中。
%!Tex Program = xelatex
\title{My \LaTeX{}}
先单独启动 Sumatra PDF 阅读器,再按 CTRL+ALT+B,编译完后,再按 CRTL+ALT+V,调用 Sumatra PDF 阅读器查看编译好的 PDF 文件。在 PDF 适当位置双击,即可跳转至 VSCode 中的 LaTex 源码,在源码处,右键,单击 SyncTeX from cursor 即可查看对应 PDF 所对应位置。

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Raspbian, Thunar, browse network, samba share

Required package:

gvfs-backends, gvfs-common, gvfs-fuse, gvfs and gvfs-smb etc.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Auto Mount an NTFS USB Drive on Raspberry Pi


Auto mounting an NTFS USB Hard Drive on a Raspberry Pi isn’t that difficult when you know how. In this guide, I’ll be using Raspbian Stretch Lite through the command line interface, but you could do this via the terminal in Raspbian Stretch desktop as well.
Let’s get started!

Hardware List

Software List

From the Command Line, we need to first make sure Raspbian is completely up to date and install the neccesary package to make NTFS work which is called NTFS-3G. Once that’s done, we will do a quick reboot to make sure everything sticks in place.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ntfs-3g -y

Next we need to create a directory on the Raspberry Pi that will act as the mount point for the USB Hard Drive. To keep it organised, we will create this in the directory mnt and we will call the folder usbhdd to keep it simple.
sudo mkdir /mnt/usbhdd
Now that we have the folder ready, we need to figure out what the hard drive partition is that we want to mount. To do this, we need to check out fdisk and see which partition is the one we want to mount. It should be the last in the long list. This could be sda2, sda1 or even sdb2 so look at the size and whichever is bigger should be the correct one. Mine shows 1.8T as the biggest partion so I know that sda1 is the one that I want.
sudo fdisk -l
Now we know our device partition, we need to get what is know as the Partition ID. This will let us mount the USB Hard Drive even if the device changes from sda1 to say sdb1. It has happened to me before and caused my whole Raspberry Pi to fail at boot up so this step is important. You should see a section called PARTUUID=”000xxxxx-00″ on the device line. My particular one was 770bcbdc-01 and that’s what you would need to write down.
sudo blkid
With our Partition ID, we can now add some information to the FSTAB so our drive will automatically boot each time, but first we want to figure out the ID of our current logged in user. This will be important I promise. It will probably be uid=1000 and gid=1000. We need to take note of both the uid and the gid numbers.
FSTAB is our next step. Here we need to add the information we have gathered so far and before we reboot, we are going to test that it worked so we don’t cause the raspberry pi to fail at boot up. So the following string needs to be inserted on a new line under the exisiting ones, replacing the following with your details. PARTUUID, Mount Point, GID and UID.
This opens the FSTAB so we can edit it with the auto mounting information.
sudo nano /etc/fstab
This is the code you need to put into the file. Once you are done, press Control X then Y then ENTER to save the file.
PARTUUID=770bcbdc-01 /mnt/usbhdd ntfs auto,exec,rw,user,dmask=002,fmask=113,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
Broken down a little, here’s what that all means
file system - PARTUUID=770bcbdc-01 - This is the partition id for in my case /dev/sda1
mount point - /mnt/usbhdd - This is the folder we created for mounting the USB Hard Drive
type - ntfs - This is the format the hard drive is in. It could be HFS+ for Apple, EXT4 for Linux of FAT32 for DOS
options - auto,exec,rw,user,dmask=002,fmask=113,uid=1000,gid=1000 - Long Story short, this gives all the permissions
dump - 0 - This means we don't want to create a dump
pass - 0 - This means we don't want to do a file system check everytime

With the file now saved, we need to check that there’s no errors in the file before we reboot. To do that, we need to try and mount the partition from the FSTAB file.
sudo mount -a
If no errors come up, then we can check that the device is mounted correctly
sudo df -h
If you see your device in the list, then we are safe to do a reboot of the Raspberry Pi.
Once we are rebooted, log in to the raspberry pi and check you USB Hard Drive has mounted by going to that folder.
cd /mnt/usbhdd
And then we can check what’s in the folder by listing it’s contents
ls -la
And that’s it ladies and gentlemen. You should now have your Raspberry Pi setup to auto mount an NTFS formatted USB Hard Drive every time it reboots. Leave a comment down below if you have a problem and someone here or in the community should be able to help.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Linux Mint, Touchpad Sensitivity


The property "Synaptics Finger" can affect the touchpad sensitivity. If you look at your values:
Synaptics Finger (278): 12, 15, 128

The 278 is the id # of the property and the three numbers after it are the values for FingerLow, FingerHigh, and FingerPress. 
You can read about these properties in the link below:

FingerHigh must always be higher than FingerLow. Start by increasing the values of FingerLow and FingerHigh two points at a 
time with this command:
xinput --set-prop "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad" 278 14 17 128

Sometimes using the name of the touchpad doesn't work in the command, so the id # number you previously obtained must be used, 
substituting it for the X below:
xinput --set-prop X 278 14 17 128

The command should go into effect immediately, so you can test the touchpad.
Then try: xinput --set-prop X 278 16 19 128
and continue increasing the values of FingerLow and FingerHigh until the problem is resolved, but once you get to around 35 to 40, then 
going any highter probably won't help. For a Synaptics touchpad you may be able to go higher. If you go too high then some other
function of the toughpad may not work. Any changes made will only last for one session but right now we're just trying to see if this method

To make the changes permanent, first open the file "50-synaptics.conf" with this command in the Terminal: 
gksudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
* file name may changes

Add the following two lines to the first section named: Section "InputClass" 
Replace the "Y" and "Z" in the lines with the values you got from testing:
Option "FingerLow" "Y" 
Option "FingerHigh" "Z" 

Save the file.