
Friday, May 18, 2018

Running Jupyter Notebooks on a Remote Server via SSH


Step 1: On your Remote Computer

SSH into your remote server/machine. Open a Jupyter Notebook using the no-browser option (since we don’t need the browser just yet) on the Terminal.
sasha@remote $ jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8887
I’ve changed the port to 8887 just to make it easier to explain the next step.
Jupyter generally returns to you a token with the URL for your browser for the first time you login to it. If you get one, store this somewhere for later.

Step 2: On your Local Computer

Start an SSH Tunnel, and connect it to the Jupyter notebook you just started on the server.
ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8887 sasha@remote
-L binds the local_address:port1 to a remote_address:port2. To be specific, it specifies that the connections for the socket on the local host are to be forwarded to the remote host. The socket then listens to the specified bind address.
-N specifies not to execute a remote command. This is useful when forwarding ports.
On your local computer, navigate to localhost:8888. The browser will probably ask you for a token. Put the token the Remote Computer returned to you in the earlier step.

To close the SSH tunnel 

on the local machine
look for the process and kill it manually:
local_user@local_host$ ps aux | grep localhost:8889
local_user 18418  0.0  0.0  41488   684 ?        Ss   17:27   0:00 ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 remote_user@remote_host
local_user 18424  0.0  0.0  11572   932 pts/6    S+   17:27   0:00 grep localhost:8889

local_user@local_host$ kill -15 18418
Alternatively, you can start the tunnel without the -f option. The process will then remain in the foreground and can be killed with ctrl-c.
On the remote machine, kill the IPython server with ctrl-c ctrl-c.